9 things you should know about E – Bikes

1. What is the difference between a 36V / 48V and 60V E-Bike ?
2. Can E-bike self charging the battery while riding ?
3. Can i riding E-bike in the rain ?
4. Is it safe to buy the cheaper  E-Bike in the internet ?
5. E-bike lama tak charged, masa nak guna sudah tak fungsi ? apa boleh buat ? 2 cara hidupkan dia !
6. Can old e-bike Lead Acid battery change to new lithium battery ?
7. Which type of battery is better for a e-bike ?
8. Adakah basikal elektrik selamat utk diguna ?
9. How to make your e-bike ride for longer distances?


1. 买电动脚车应该选 36V / 48V / 60V ?
2. 电动脚车可以边骑边充电吗 ?
3. 电动车下雨天能骑吗 ?
4. 网路上便宜的电动脚车,可以买吗?
5. 电动脚车太久没用,想用时动不了 ? 2个方法教你救活它 !
6. 旧款电动脚车铅酸电池, 可以换锂电池吗 ?
7. 那一款电池比较适合电动脚车使用 ?
8. 电动脚车安全吗 ? 会爆炸吗 ?
9. 电动脚车如何走得更远?电压和电流


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